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Gedrics - The next generation of icons | Digitale Highlights | Dr. Jörg Geißler

Gedrics - The next generation of icons

Using today’s combination of standard point-and-click user-interface elements for pen-based applications is a decision that implies that the pen is nothing more than a derivative of the mouse. This assumption is not necessarily correct. In order to be able to design more adequate interaction styles for pens, this paper introduces a new kind of user interface element: the gedric. Gedrics are gesture-driven icons, a combination of icons, pull-down menus and gestures. They provide a very fast, easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use interaction style for future pen interfaces. This paper describes and discusses the concept and implementation of gedrics.

in: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (INTERACT’95), Lillehammer, Norway, June 27–29, 1995, pp. 73–78.
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